HST gone. But not really.

It was April 1st, 2013 when the British Columbia government brought the Provincial Sales Tax back and ended its experiment with HST. Was it a cruel sense of humour or just coincidence that April Fool’s Day was chosen? We may never know. Read More

You Can’t Help Me

Yes, yes we can. When we talk to organizations who have never had us do our LWA version of a commodity tax review, the most common thing we hear is ‘You won’t find much here’. If we are offering to help you, Read More

Non-Profit Organizations Overpay Taxes Too

The operations of NPOs and charities can be complex, and sometimes with complexity comes opportunity. There are over 88,000 Registered Charities in Canada. That’s a lot of positive contribution to Canadian society. While we support certain charities as a company and as Read More

Elections (not the political kind)

Sometimes you get what you ask for. And sometimes you don’t get unless you ask. And sometimes you don’t even have to ask. In the world of taxation, there are certain elections which an organization may file which can affect the administration Read More