Gloria is a key ‘behind the scenes’ member of our team. Along with Savoeun, Gloria runs the day-to-day office operations and keeps on top of those crucial government submission deadlines that ensure our clients recover the maximum tax funds possible. She oversees the huge amounts of communication and back up information submitted by our consultants, both to clients and to the various government departments. Gloria is a kind and wonderful person and we’re glad she’s part of the team. She’s also a dedicated hockey mom!
Savoeun is often the cheerful voice you hear when you phone our head office. Her name is pronounced “Sa-VOON” and she is used to people misspelling her first name – which contains almost all the vowels! She is a valuable member of our team with her friendly and easygoing nature and diligent work ethic. She provides key support in all administrative areas and works closely with Gloria and the consultants to meet submission deadlines and keep up with daily operations.
Redmar came from the Netherlands, and joined LWA in 2009. He brings extensive computer-based knowledge to LWA and custom-designs programs for our specific purposes. He analyzes data and provides support to clients on extracting data files.
Redmar also knows how to fly various types of airplanes – he flew in Air Rally Cross Canada in 2009, has flown air ambulance in BC, and currently pilots commercial aircraft.